
The Dissent Network was founded in 2003, to oppose the G8. It has since been dissolved as a network per it's last meeting, but some of the local groups that were part of it live on.

This site was never the same after the database corrupted.

This site maybe be retired when it comes up for renewal.

Gipfelsoli mirror of static archive of this site from G8 2005

Gipfelsoli mirror of static archive of this and other G8 resistance sites over the years

Ucrony static archive of this site from G8 2005

Images directory missing from above copies

Web Archive for old versions of web pages

Archive of other dissent websites

Sheffield Dissent website (2005)

Other related site of interest:

AGP Resist the G8 pages

G8 Bike Ride

Other archived websites of interest:

Event Horizon

Other sites of interest:

Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh

Web Architects Hosting




Libre Wolf

Join Peer Tube

Open Street Map

Debian GNU/Linux OS